Particicution in the Real World
Warning: contains upsetting content. Read at your own risk. In The Handmaid's Tale , one of the most disturbing scenes is that of the Particicution, where handmaids are encouraged to tear an accused rapist to death. Such events are reminiscent of lynchings, but with one key difference; as far as I know, lynching were not publicly sanctioned events. And since Margaret Atwood stated that all events that occur in this book are drawn from real world events, I became curious as to whether or not Atwood drew inspiration from other sources. Although I was unable to find examples of state sanctioned events where humans physically tear apart other humans (comment below if you do), I found another form of public execution that is, if not more, disturbing that the Particicution. Stoning is a capital punishment where the criminal is buried up to the chest or neck in the ground and people gather around to throw stones at them until they die. A very slow, painful process. And in the source...