How Far Away Are We From Our Own "Brave New World"?
I guess I'm assuming here, but I think that most of us would consider the society in "Brave New World" as something strange/messed up/wrong in many ways (more of a dystopia than a utopia.) I certainly find myself disgusted with many aspects of BNW society, but I also can draw many parallels between it and our own society. Allow me to give a few examples: 1. Soma When I first read about soma, I immediately thought about how many states have legalized or are in the process of legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes. 50 years ago, virtually no one would have agreed to make it a legal drug. But in the recent years, the movement to legalize recreational marijuana has grown and, in certain states, is seen as normal and sometimes encouraged, especially is somebody is feeling down. Of course, soma may have less complications than marijuana, but the comparison still holds. 2. Romantic Relationships It’s no secret that the past ce...