Recharging Capsules
This blog post is inspired by Fing’s public speaking class. For our final presentation, we were asked to talk about an art we would like to leave at Uni. I chose to do something more technology-based, and I realized that what I was creating was basically a mini-utopia: recharging capsules. The idea is that we place capsules that go into the walls of Uni (like hotel capsules in Tokyo). Inside, students are only allowed to rest. Once the student is in, they can set the temperture settings, light settings, and choose to have some sort of background noise or not (of course, these capsules would be sound-proof.) There could also be a computer system that saves every person’s settings so they may have the option of chosing their last tempurature, lighting, and sound. More importantly, the student can set a time for an alarm to go off that will wake them up in time for the next class period. Once all the settings are set, students lay down in the comfy capsule while sleep-inducing essen...